We all have a responsibility to create a better future and leave as positive an impression on the world as possible.

At konfAir, we want to contribute to the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, we have selected four sustainable development goals that we find relevant for us to focus on and work with to create a more sustainable future. Read about our four selected goals below.






The aim is to influence the employees' physical and mental health in a positive way as well as to strengthen the community. We have set up a health group that focuses on the full picture.

The physical part: We have a subscription to office-fit, where we have office bikes and training equipment available. In addition, every Tuesday and Thursday at 11.00 am, we have 5 minutes of fitness with colleagues from both the office and the production. We get to move our body and have a good laugh.

The mental part: We also focus on mental health. In a busy everyday life, everyone can experience stressful periods. We work to create a work-life balance and will continuously facilitate courses about well-being and stress with a focus on how we spot dissatisfaction and how we help each other getting through and come out even stronger after.

Smoking: From January 1th.- 2024, smoking or the use of nicotine products is prohibited on konfAir's register.

The fruit becomes healthier: We offer organic fresh fruit all week for our employees.












The aim is to help people into employment, regardless of whether it is a young person who needs a helping hand to succeed, or a student who needs help to complete their education.

Students: At konfAir, we have ongoing contact with students regarding internships. This is helpful for both their education and for konfAir because we get to look at our challenges from a different angle and they get to help uncover optimization opportunities in the company. This can, and already has, resulted in permanent employment.

Our mission: Our mission is to help people progress in their working life, whether they become a permanent part of konfAir or whether we simply help them move on in their career.









The aim is to reduce our environmental footprint by recycling our waste and reducing our consumption. We have set up a recycling group that focuses on how we support the green transition in the best possible way.

Reduction of waste: In the group, we mainly work with the reduction and recycling of waste in our production. We work in close collaboration with suppliers and customers, as well as part of the textile symbiosis in Herning, to find the best possible solutions.


Reduction of consumption: We work to find solutions that can reduce consumption of basic resources such as electricity, heat and water. We base the projects on what we see in our everyday life, the areas where we feel something is being done in an ineffective or wasteful method that can be improved.


Collaboration across departments: Our group consists of people from all parts of konfAir's administration and production. We have various skills that allow us to see our challenges from all angles. Therefore, we can ensure that we arrive at the best possible solutions.






The aim is to make a local difference by improving the conditions for wild animals and insects while also contributing to a more diverse nature.


Insect hotels: We have built three insect hotels and placed them on the grass outside our company building close to the gable. By placing the hotels in a moist place in the shade with contact to the ground, we create habitats for e.g., ladybugs, earthworms, spiders, beetles, earwigs and woodlice.


We are also working on other exciting initiatives and will update the page as soon as the new initiatives are launched.